The Message Is The Problem! Using Patient Education and Counseling To Control Your Mind

The message is the problem. I am sure many of you are wondering what I am referring too. I am referring to the message that each and every one of us is being bombarded with each and every minute of every day. It is a message being sent to us by Corporate America and their advertisers on television, radio, and internet, in print and on billboards. The message is “You are what you own and what you own isn’t good enough and if you want to be happy and be of value you have to buy our things. It is a message that most of us are unaware of and don’t even really understand how it is affecting all of us

Advertisers have spent millions of dollars researching the best way to sell their products. And the research bears out that if they sell happiness trough the acquisition of their things they are going to increase sales exponentially. What they don’t tell you is, it has been proven scientifically that the search for happiness through the acquisition of things is futile, it will not work, but it is also endless. Meaning we, as a people, will always be searching for happiness through the acquisition of things because this is the message our subconscious mind is absorbing every time it sees or hears the ads. The question then becomes why? Why is this true?

You see the advertiser’s research helped them discover a proven fact about each and every human being on this planet. We all have been born with a need and a want to be happy. We have to be happy. That’s just the way we are put together. Aristotle said the greatest goal of man is to be happy. Now most of us really have never thought about this and have never really done any examination of how our minds work and where our feelings come from. The greatest discovery in modern Psychology, a proven fact, is that every feeling you have ever had is a direct result of a thought. The research also shows that your subconscious mind is active 24/7 even while you’re sleeping. The subconscious mind accepts everything as real. It doesn’t decipher between fantasy and reality. It just absorbs everything it sees, hears, smells and feels. The subconscious mind has a heavy influence on our thought process and therefore our feelings. What does all of this have to do with the message being the problem and how is it affecting us as a people?

Advertisers use this information by bombarding our conscious, but more importantly our subconscious mind with the message that your value lies in what you have, and if you want to be happy you have to buy the things. They are selling happiness because they know we have to be happy. They also know that things can’t make you happy, so we will keep chasing after the things in a never ending cycle. They continuously fuel this process through our subconscious minds. You see our subconscious minds are absorbing this message every minute of every day and eventually that message becomes part of our belief system. We then start down a path of a search for happiness and self-worth through the acquisition of things. Even though it has been proven that things can’t and won’t make you happy, we continue to search for it in an endless and fruitless chase. We are on a proverbial treadmill chasing after the prize the advertisers are holding out in front of us, yet we can never quite reach it. It is actually an ingenious plan. However, the unintended result is destroying our society. How you ask?

Let me explain how by telling you this story. Now I know this is a lot to digest and to some of you I may sound like a conspiracy theorist. I started wondering the same thing, so I decided to start paying attention to advertising and being aware of my thought process and the way I was feeling. I heard about a test you can use to show how strong our subconscious mind is and the affect it can have. I challenge you to try this. Sit quietly at night and say to yourself a couple of times “Someone is looking in the window. Someone is outside.” I guarantee within a few minutes you will be up and looking out the window for the person you just created in your mind a few minute ago. That is how strong your subconscious mind is and why advertisers use it to their advantage. This is why certain music and scents are used in stores. It’s not meant for your conscious mind, but rather your subconscious mind. They have spent millions on research into which music and which smells will relax you and stimulate your subconscious mind, so you want to buy something. I also challenge you to pay attention to advertising and how the focus is on how their product can make you happy. Here is a scenario you may recognize. One day, after watching TV for a while I found myself in the car on my way to the “Happiest place on earth.” Right up here on I-4 going to Uncle Walt Disney’s place, but first I pulled into McDonalds and ordered my happy meal. Then I stopped to buy some gas and bought a can of happiness so I could have a coke and a smile. When I got home I was so tired and stressed out I knew exactly what I needed. A nice hot bath with Calgon soaps. As I lay there, surrounded by bubbles, I heard myself whispering “Calgon take me away.”

Now I can hear some of you saying, so what Bill, what real harm is being done? Basically the unintentional affect of this message is that it is destroying the overall value we place on human life. It is also destroying our self-esteem. Ask yourself this question, what happens to your self esteem and or self-worth when you don’t have the things, you can’t afford the things or you buy the things and it doesn’t produce a blissful life. Your self-worth plummets. The value we place on human life plummets. After all having the things is what is really important. Now when you combine this attitude/message with the desensitization to violence we are exposed to in the media and in video games; to the point that by the time we are 18 yrs old we have been exposed to, or participated in a virtual gaming world, over 200,000 acts of violence and what are you left with? You’re left with a society that has to have the things no matter what. A society who doesn’t value human life and has to do whatever it can to get the things. A society where people seem to be willing to resort to violence to solve their problems and to get what they think they have to have. Don’t believe me? Turn on your local news at night and see how common it is to see people hurting and killing each other. Do the words Columbine, Aurora or Newtown ring a bell?

The good news is this can and must change! We can change it. To start with we need a public service multi-media campaign like you see for the anti-smoking campaign. This campaign must be a never ending campaign that is designed to directly counteract the message being bombarded into our heads now. The campaign must be slick; we have to get Hollywood involved. We have to have all the TV and movie stars and musicians and athletes on board. This campaign needs to be promoted as a cause that we all need to get behind and it needs to stress the true value of human life. The message must stress that each of us is unique and irreplaceable and this is what makes us so valuable. It needs to promote The Golden Rule; it needs to talk about the virtues of being a good neighbor and a good citizen. This message has to run on every single radio and television station 10 times a day. It needs to be at the beginning and end of every video game we play and every movie we see, rent, or buy. It needs to be all over the internet. I believe it is the only way we can start to make a positive difference in our world.

You the reader also must make a difference and take a positive step in this process. When you finish reading this and you are out in the public, smile would you please? Say hello to people and treat people the way you would like to be treated. Let them know that not everyone out there is packing heat ready to draw down on them. If we do this, if we really do this then the next time you are looking for the happiest place on earth you won’t have to go anywhere, because you’ll already be there wherever you are.

I realize this is a new way of thinking and new things can make you leery, but remember I

Has Constant Continuing Education for Careers Become Certain?

Indeed, I have this theory that many of the top professionals who are at the top 5% in their field are leaving those industries because they are tired of doing all the constant required continuing education to keep their licenses current. If all the smartest and best professionals decide that all this busy work is destroying their productivity and time, therefore making it not worthwhile anymore, then the only people who will be left will be those people who are perhaps not as smart, or not is qualified in the field. It is well-known that people of lower intelligence level are quite satisfied doing mundane and repetitive tasks.

Now then, I can tell you that any professional or just about any field realizes that the government has them continually filling out forms. It is something that is very boring, repetitious, and causes nightmares. Not to mention the fact that it takes up all of their time, worse the government wishes to make sure that everyone fills out the forms properly, and therefore everyone in the profession must study as per the new regulations so they know how to do it, supposedly to perhaps stop fraud, or ensure that everyone pays the taxes they are required to file.

All this continuing education is destroying productivity at a time when productivity should be sky high thanks to the use of computers, personal tech devices, and the abundance of information and digital resources, but that’s not happening. Yes, we are getting a productivity boost, but then we are taking it all away from everyone with all the ongoing education. It almost seems criminal as it is stealing people’s time. Perhaps it is safe to say that constant ongoing education for a professional career is now a given, and it is a certainty.

Unfortunately, there are far too many new young regulators who couldn’t get a job with their law degree so they go into government work instead. Apparently, they wish to change the world but they’ve never been in private practice, nor do they understand the business side of things. They wish to micromanage everything so it is easy for them to do their job, scan all the data and records quickly, and weed out all the anomalies who might be fraudsters.

That’s all well and good, but you can’t regulate morality, people will always find a way around rules, but in the interim we are destroying productivity, and causing the very best of breed in every industry to retire early, or decide to go do something else. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it because we don’t fix it it’s only going to spiral out of control, as it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy – that is to say the dumbest people remain in the industry, and they are the same people that make the most mistakes, because all the smart people are leaving or have already left.

Critical Thinking: Does The Establishment Want To Destroy Masculinity?

If someone pays attention to the mainstream media on a regular basis, they may have heard the term ‘toxic masculinity’. And even if they don’t pay attention to this source of information, they may have still heard this term.

This could be because they are at university or have been there in the past, or perhaps they have heard this term by paying attention to the alternative media. Either way, when it comes to what comes to mind when they think of this term; it can all depend on what sources they have paid attention to.

A Big Problem

If one pays attention to the mainstream media or if they are at university (or have been in the past), they may even believe that masculinity in general is a problem. It is then something that needs to be completely removed from the world.

Once this has taken place, everything will be fine and there will be peace on earth – the perfect utopia will exist. And while this could be a sign that they are a woman, there is also the chance that they will be a man.

Hard To Take Seriously

On the other hand, if one pays attention to the alternative media – or simply has a critical mind – they might find it hard to connect to this term. They may see that while there are masculine traits that are negative, there are also feminine traits that are negative.

But, while this is the case, it might seem as though masculinity is being portrayed as being inherently bad and femininity as being as inherently good. It will be as if the mainstream media, the education system, along with other sources, are more interested in demonizing men than they are with taking a balanced look at masculinity.


If they were interested in taking a balanced look at this, they would surely look into ‘toxic femininity’ too. Also, what is rarely spoken about is how both men and women contain the masculine and the feminine energies within them.

Therefore, not only can men behave in ways that are destructive, women can also behave in the same way. However, the trouble with taking this into consideration is that it makes it harder to demonize men.


Through focusing exclusively on the negative side of masculinity, it can appear as though there is nothing good about it. Instead of it being clear that there are good and bad traits, masculinity ends up being synonymous with rape, murder, crime, violence and destruction, for instance.

And, as hard as this may be for a rational minded human being to comprehend, there are people are there who now believe that ‘all men are rapists’. It could then be said that this shows how powerful this propaganda is or it proves that some people haven’t developed the ability to think critically.

Early Trauma

Clearly, if someone views men in this way, it is going to make it harder for them to relax around them. Killing every man on the planet might end up being seen as the only solution to the destruction that men bring.

Yet, to say that someone would only believe this because of what they have been told by the media and the education system might be an oversight. What is also likely to have played a part is what happened during the beginning of their life.

A Strange Scenario

It could be said that it is not much of a surprise for the mainstream media to try to undermine men in this way; it’s not as if this source of information is there to actually inform anyone. What could be seen as a surprise, though, is that the education system is trying to do this.

The general outlook is that the education system is there to educate people – to give them what they need to handle life. So if this is the case, why are young boys and girls being conditioned to be suspicious of one another?

The Key

Someone doesn’t need to have a degree in propaganda to understand that the best way to condition people is to work on them from a very young age. Therefore, if the brain washing begins as soon as they start school (and some countries want to lower the age, surprise, surprise), they will be the perfect automatons when they are older.
If these kinds of seeds are planted at a young age, it is not going to be much of a shock if someone experiences conflict when it comes to the opposite sex during their adult years. One of the consequences of this kind of propaganda, then, is that it divides men and women, making it harder for them to get on with each other.

The Tip of The Iceberg

Demonizing masculinity is also a great way to make men passive, weak and incapable of pushing back against the system. One way to defeat a civilisation is through physical force, another way is to destroy its citizenry from the inside.

Taking this into account, it is as though the people at the top have been working day and night to undermine the west in the only way that they could. As Ariel Duran once said, “A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.”


The establishment has many different arms of their operation, with each arm performing a similar function. Regardless of whether it is the attack on men, migration or discouraging people from having children, it seems that one part of the plan is to destroy western civilisation.

Finally, masculinity is not toxic, any more than femininity is toxic. But, in the same way that someone will need to learn how to use a machine, they will need the right guidance and to heal any trauma – from their early years and what has been passed down from their ancestors – in order to express their masculinity in the right way.

Teacher, Prolific writer, author, and coach, Oliver JR Cooper, hails from England. His insightful commentary and analysis covers all aspects of human transformation, including love, partnership, self-love, and inner awareness. With over one thousand eight hundred in-depth articles highlighting human psychology and behaviour, Oliver offers hope along with his sound advice.

Why Educators “Teaching To The Test” Are Destroying Student Learning & Teacher Individuality

I’m a Kindergarten Teacher and my partner is very open to allowing me to “do things according to my own style” of teaching. However, statewide and nationwide that doesn’t seem to be the norm anymore, and it’s destroying teaching and student learning as we know it.

Just take a look at your own “best” teachers growing up. Didn’t they all kind of “do their own thing” rather than just read out of a textbook to peak your interest?

We’ve got to get back to letting teachers teach as they see fit! Would you go into a doctor’s office, and say hey, don’t use that knife, use the new one put out by Dupont, it’ll cut faster. Only this doctor is comfortable with this blade and has used it for years to set records for surgery and recovery time.

Yet, in in our education system, we are letting top officials tell our teachers exactly what to teach, when to teach it, how to teach it, and regimenting time slots for learning to spelling 30 min, math 60 min, etc. When does it ever stop? The newest one in our district is “there will be one hour of ELD” every single day and you will have a time slot for it, or you will be called to the carpet on it.

I’ve got news for all the government know-it-alls out there. None of us grew up with such regimentation, and the best teachers on the planet, aren’t going to stay regimented into instructional time slots and mandated teaching styles.

Listen to what my teachers did to forever leave their mark. There was Mr. K who had us do a virtual country simulation in the 5th grade. We all had to create our own country on paper. I think Mr. K was the only one who owned a computer at that time, and I think it was Bill Gates’ first ever PC. It had a black and white screen with gold letters on it. But Mr. K didn’t let that stop him!

Mr. K gave me the assignment of being the president of “Bilmore” the smallest of all the countries, and I was in charge of it’s military, it’s economy, it’s communication with other countries, and it’s budget. I was thrilled, and I had to learn about running a country in a big hurry!

Well, long story short, I, and my team of five other friends had to daily handle little papers or “memos” that Mr. K would hand us that were country challenges or rewards on a daily basis. Based on the fact that our country, “Bilmore” was the smallest geographically in the world, and the economy of some of the other countries was at risk, all of the other countries had written on their papers as a goal: Destroy Bilmore and take it over.

Well, I remember the day I received the paper from Mr. K that we had just had war declared on us by every single country, and that we were due to be attacked at 8am the following morning. Thus, as president, I was given the task, with our limited military (which did have a few good weapons, but a small fighting force) of protecting my country from a worldwide attack.

Well, I did what the best president’s have done in this situation, and I got some advice from the smartest person in my life: my best friend “Chip.” I called him, as young people do, on the phone as usual to see what’s up, and I explained this Bilmore problem to him, and my need to make a presidential decision. His quick intellect amazed me. Chip told me “Take five of your biggest tanks, and place them on the Islands out from the shoreline of each port. Then order them to fire at a missile that you will launch at the same time that will detonate over the oncoming armies. Follow that through the smoke with all of your best F-15 fighters and have them shoot through the fog, so that the oncoming armies will not be aware of how many fighters are shooting at them, fooling them into thinking they are being counterattacked by a massive air strike.

Then he said, take some submarines and place them underneath the water at the same time, but also have several smaller military boats on the top of the water, making it look like you are undermanned and outgunned, so that the armies will come close enough to the tanks to destroy the oncoming enemy.

Chip’s plan worked, and I ordered the tanks to fire at 8:00 am as five separate armies airborne and by sea attacked us full force. When the tanks fired they blew the first ships to smithereens and the smoke rose up higher than eyesight. I also ordered a full air strike by my best F-15 fighters, and they were all brand new planes, since we had such a small military force. The F-15′s destroyed a dozen or so planes in the smoke, and then every single army retreated due to the smoke screen and they took evasive maneuvers to retreat at light speed. I also ordered my submarines to fire as soon as their huge ships had our small boats in their radar.

I saved my country that day. Bilmore went on to thrive and also become one of the strongest countries in the entire world, because we done of the armies to surrender, and took over there entire economy, money, oil, everything. That country was the one who swore an oath to one another: “We will destroy Billmore.” Actually our F-15′s cut them all down from the south side of the country and they were forced to surrender at gun and helicopter point!

Anyhow, I said all this to just make a point, this “Country Simulation” took about two months to complete. Yet, when all was said and done, I hand hands on experience about how to run a country and serve it well as President and Commander-In-Chief!

We need to stop making our teachers teach according to the textbook, and teach toward these state tests and nothing else. No Child Left Behind has incredible goals, but the implementation of those goals may be creating students who are more like learning robots, than those who can really deal with society at large.

My point is to remind officials that we can no more take the individuality out of teachers, than we can to say “All kids can and will act the same.” Isn’t that kind of like Communism? Yet, it’s crept in, and here we are, as educators, being told that we “must increase test scores” at any cost.

Test scores will rise far above where they are now, when we give teachers the freedom to be themselves and yes, follow district mandates for increased test scores, but do it in a creative manner that only that individual teacher can express.

My next teacher I’ll never forget was Mrs. Mercer. She had us do an 85 page research paper in high school! I never had to do that big of a paper in college or in my masters program. She prepared us. She locked us into success because she believed in us. She taught us how to stand up straight and walk into a room. She had others comment on our posture and demeanor.

Mrs. Mercer wrote a reference letter to a future employer for me that I keep as a part of every resume package I’ve ever submitted. It said: “It is the Don Alexander’s of this world, that make it great. I’ve never seen someone before that exemplifies the term “gentleman” as much as Don Alexander does. Those words changed my life. Those words were the reason I graduated from college with a 3.9 GPA and went on to become a Teacher and an Assistant Principal.

Yet today, it seems in this mad world, we are so all consumed with test scores, test scores, and test scores! Yes, we need to score high on tests. But we also need to look harder at the individuality of the learner, and most of all the individuality of the teachers.

I fear God that if we don’t stop taking the individuality out of our teachers, we may become like some third world country that has no real direction or dreams for our students. If this is America, and we know that it is our country, we must defend it from those who would come into our classrooms, and force our teachers to teach how they see fit.

And…if we don’t do something quickly about it, it’ll be our grandkids that will suffer the most. Thus I urge you, write your congressman, get involved at School District Meetings, and do everything you can to insure that our teachers are not being told how to teach. That is the greatest “disservice” I can think of to our precious students.

Protect American education and vote this year for a candidate who will give teachers back their creative freedoms, but most of all, vote and pray daily for your child to get the Mr. K’s and Mrs. Mercers of this world, and pray that our government doesn’t do anything to discourage them from doing what they do best: “Teach.”

Don Alexander is a writer and published poet and has two online missions: Shar

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